favorite shoes

I wrote this piece after rediscovering my favorite pair of shoes from a few years ago. I had gotten them right before I started my freshman year of college. Seeing them again reminded me of the nervousness I felt. College is one of the most challenging things I have done in my life, yet it has been the most rewarding. I hope we can all remember the good over the bad, and always be grateful.


I slipped on my favorite shoes that day
The white laces winding up my ankle
Freshly cleaned and ready to roll.

With trembling hands 
I held my post-it note with my classroom numbers
Trying not to walk too fast or too slowly.

The cheer from the football game
Snow covered eyelashes

College was a dream made from the fantasies of a teenager
Feeling too big for a small town
This was it. I was happy.

As the energy of making friends channeled into studying
I felt a new weight upon my shoulders
My debt. My procrastination.

Late night coffees
A phone call back home
A quick turn over the shoulder when walking alone

My pride came before the fall of not studying enough sometimes
When the grade was entered and altered my confidence
This was not all that I had expected it to be.

“College professors will not be this easy on you”
I heard the voices replay in my head as I scrolled through assignments in red
The assignments I had not had the capacity for that week

“Just wait until you get into the real world.”
“This is worth 50% of your final grade.”
“You must bring me back an obituary.”

I reminded myself that the difficulty would all pay off
Hundreds of times
But with those hundreds of reminders came thousands of second thoughts

Home started to feel like just a memory
As my boss said no to requested time off
Time off that I was praying for

A changed major 
Academic counselors checking in
A doubt of my future plans 

But as days melted into months
And months into years
I find myself in wave of comfort

Because most professors are in it for you
In it for me
And their commitment reigned true

A plan for the next step
A resume that I’m proud of
A college career I’m grateful for

So remember the good moments over the bad
The friends you made over confusion in classes
And the barista who had your regular coffee ready

And slip on your favorite shoes


Kara Allen is a CSU Public Relations Assistant and is currently a Senior studying Communications at Minnesota State Mankato. Kara is from Grand Rapids, MN and has grown up loving to write in her free time; finding the hidden idiosyncrasies within herself through the writing. She plans on pursuing a career in Public Affairs for the U.S. Army and continuing on with writing for enjoyment.

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