For a reason


I wrote this piece as a comfort as I asked myself for the thousandth time, “Does everything happen for a reason?” I hope this resonates with even just one of you because fear is a liar. I want you to challenge who you are, always. Be free, be chaotic, and be exactly who you are.

The age old question that no one can seem to answer
“Does everything happen for a reason?”

I wish I could answer you and myself when asked that question. 
Alongside the thousands of times I’ve tried to reassure myself with the answer that I’m not even sure I believe

“Everything happens for a reason.”
But are we in control of our own lives? Our own downfalls? Our heartbreaks?

If this is true, maybe every single laugh that shakes my body and every hand I’ve waved out the window 
Is one of the stepping stones that led me to the darkest part of my being

If this is true, maybe every single tear that landed on my mother's shoulder and every single sip of sweet poison 
Was a brick on the path to the discovery and realization of true freedom 

Maybe I sound like a hunkered down philosopher,
Or perhaps a person trying to see the world through rose-colored glasses

But I choose to orient my perception towards believing in something
Even if it’s not the scientifically correct answer 

I believe in happily ever afters. I believe in emotion and freedom and chaos. 
Likewise, I believe in heartache. I believe in fear and restlessness and feeling lost. 

There is no reason to be afraid of who you are. There is more to be afraid of in being who you aren’t. 
Because no matter what you do, or who you are,
You will always have to ask yourself, “does everything happen for a reason?”

So confess your love in the pouring rain on a mountaintop
And wear the shirt that you’re nervous to be judged in 

Because whether everything happens for a reason or not,
You will lose yourself trying to answer it.

So live like everything happens for a reason. 


Kara Allen is a CSU Public Relations Assistant and is currently a Senior studying Communications at Minnesota State Mankato. Kara is from Grand Rapids, MN and has grown up loving to write in her free time; finding the hidden idiosyncrasies within herself through the writing. She plans on pursuing a career in Public Affairs for the U.S. Army and continuing on with writing for enjoyment.

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