Leadership Awards Recognizes Recipients from 84 Nominations

Recorded presentation of this year’s Leadership Awards includes award descriptions, a list of nominees and a short profile of the winners.

Posted April 22, 2020


Recognition in 11 categories of leadership, campus contributions, outstanding student organizations and Maverick spirit was honored remotely as this year’s Leadership Awards were presented via Zoom on Sunday, April 19.

Awards participants and guests joined to view the recorded Student Activities presentation hosted by Emi Menk, assistant director of Leadership, Recognized Student Organizations and Nontraditional Students.

A total of 84 nominees were recognized with award recipients honored in the following categories:

Rising Star: Kara Svercl and Hunter Whitmore

Big Ideas, Real-World Thinking: Eryn Zuiker

Outstanding Collegian: Shamsudeen Adediji, Cydney Coffey, Ana Leyva, Anisa Omar, and Andrew Weinzierl

Commitment to Cultural Responsiveness: Corinne Koffi

Outstanding Recognized Student Organization Advisor: Rachel Hoehn and Dr. Jenna Londgren

Outstanding Recognized Student Organization: College Democrats, DREAM (Data Resources for Eager and Analytical Minds), and Mental Health Mankato

Outstanding Recognized Student Organization Program: “Pride of Sri Lanka” Signature Night, hosted by the Mavlankans, and “Love Recovery Gala,” hosted by Students for Alcohol and Drug Education

Recognized Student Organization Exemplary Service Award: Student Nurses Association

Maverick Spirit: Ella May and Hazel Thorp

Scott Hagebak Centennial Student Union Wall of Fame: Lenny Koupal

Outstanding Campus Volunteer: Katelyn Boucher, Suhan Budhathoki, and Shourav Dey

All winners will be receiving a padfolio in the mail, as well as a Certificate of Recognition and a copy of their nomination letter.


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