SUHAN BUDHATHOKI: “The circle you hang out with will determine your route to the future.”

Each semester since Spring 2015, the Centennial Student Union honors eight students selected for campus student leadership and CSU student staff excellence. Nominated by staff members from Student Affairs, the Kearney International Center, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion selected students are recognized on the BEST Board, a 55-foot display in the CSU Hearth Lounge created for Boasting Exceptional Student Talent.

Nominator’s Comments…

Suhan started working for CSU Communications as an undergraduate student web manager. Now as the CSU Communications GA, Suhan continues to excel and grow in his expanded role. He has taken on leadership roles in the weekly Maverick Insider and the CAN communications. This leadership now involves taking over the bulk of responsibilities for each of these publications. His confidence continues to grow as a supervisor, writer, and editor. 

Suhan is always a great sounding board for ideas, not afraid to disagree or offer other approaches and strategies. Still, he displays humility as he discovers new capabilities and accomplishments.

In Suhan’s Own Words…

How has campus involvement and/or campus employment enhanced YOUR COLLEGE EXPERIENCE? 

I always looked for involvement opportunities related to music, gaming, and hacking. I found multiple organizations and a lot of people interested in the same things. It’s great to have some friends who share the same interests as you do. Plus, you get to meet experienced people to learn and also get to meet the newbs to share your knowledge. 

How has campus involvement and/or campus employment enhanced YOUR FUTURE? 

Increase in leadership skills, working with a team to tackle a problem, communication skills, analytical skills…These are some of the skills I learned during on-campus employment. These are also the skills that will serve me in the future. 

What advice would you share with fellow students in helping them make the most of their college experience? 

The circle you hang out with will determine your route to the future. Make sure you find the right group of friends who match your vibes and vision. 

Throughout your college experience at Minnesota State Mankato, what has provided the greatest personal growth, memories, satisfaction, and/or personal pride. 

When I came to the Centennial Student Union for the first time, I saw the phrase, “House Of Serendipity”. In Most of my College memories, I see myself in CSU. From Campus Involvement, working at the Communications office, Performing songs at Hearth Lounge, Ostrander, Ballroom, and Jazzman’s Cafe, 

Organizing signature nights with fellow board members, and participating in different events, the CSU was the one thing that remained constant. I was always proud to say that I work at CSU and now, I am proud to say that I am the Graduate Assistant at CSU.

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