Take the CyberAware Pledge and Protect Your Identity and Your Stuff


IT Solutions is launching a 2021 cybersecurity campaign encourage the campus community to take the CyberAware Pledge with five easy steps to become cybersecure and safe online.

The five points of the pledge include:

  1. Think twice before you click. Think twice before you click on links, whether they’re in an email or on a website.
  2. Enable multi-factor authentication.
  3. Protect your social media. Protect your social media profiles by updating your privacy settings and only accepting friends you know.
  4. Keep tabs on your apps. Be alert to location and camera settings. Keep apps updated and only download from official app stores.
  5. Mix up your passwords. Change your passwords every six months. Make sure they’re lengthy and secure or try using passphrases to help you remember.

More info and tips can be found on the CyberAware Pledge website: mankato.mnsu.edu/cyberawarepledge.


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