‘Your Brain on Porn Illiteracy’ on Sept 24 Is Part of Fall 2024 CESR Programming

Dr. Eric Sprankle, author of The Wonderfully Weird History and Science of Masturbation, presents a noon Zoom lecture, “Your Brain on Porn Illiteracy: Understanding Porn Research, Misinformation, and Moral Panic,” on Tuesday, Sept. 24.

Professor of clinical psychology and co-director of the sexuality studies program at Minnesota State University, Sprankle will offer a unique perspective when considering whether pornography can be a healthy medium to consume.

His online research presentation is part of a fall semester series of presentations and workshops offered through the Center for Excellence in Scholarship and Research. 


Regular Workshops (All offered via Zoom, by CESR staff)

  • Introduction to Qualtrics, Sept. 26, 11 a.m. to Noon (9/26, 11am-Noon)
  • Introduction to RStudio, Oct. 7, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
  • What is Autoethnography? And How Do I Do It? Oct. 18, 10 to 11 a.m.
  • Demystifying the Literature Review Process, Oct. 31, 1 to 2 p.m.
  • Writing Manuscripts for Peer Review, Nov. 4, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
  • Using Excel for Research and Data Visualization, Nov. 5, 11 a.m. to Noon
  • Using RStudio for Statistical Analysis, Nov. 18, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Faculty-Led Workshops (All offered via Zoom, by MSU faculty)

  • Researching the Cultural Texts of ‘Others’ with Dr. Yalda Hamidi, Oct. 25, 1 to 2 p.m.
  • Data Visualization Through Tableau with Dr. Chao Liu, Nov. 12, 1 to 2 p.m.
  • Integrating AI in Academic Research with Dr. Rajeev Bukralia, Nov. 15, 1 to 2 p.m.

Research Presentations

  • Your Brain on Porn Illiteracy: Understanding Porn Research, Misinformation, and Moral Panic with Dr. Eric Sprankle, Sept. 24, Noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom
  • Parents as Perpetrators: Criminalizing Sleep-Related Infant Deaths with Dr. Laura Harrison, Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Oct. 23, 2 to 3 p.m. in CSU 201

(Want to present YOUR research? Email CESR Director to get something scheduled)

Grad Student Writing Group:

A weekly opportunity for grad students to connect and make progress on their writing.

Will meet on Thursdays, 6 to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom (10 meetings in total; no meeting during midterms, Oct. 17)

About the CESR

The CESR, located on the bottom floor of the Memorial Library in the Center for Excellence and Innovation (ML 88), is a support center for students, faculty, and staff engaged in research. No matter your experience level or where you are in the research process, CESR is there to help. To access CESR services, contact the director, Dr. Aaron Hoy, at aaron.hoy@mnsu.edu. Our consultants are available for individual or group meetings (in-person or remote) and by email.

CESR Services include:

Manuscript Editing

  • Checking for grammar, coherence, and completeness
  • Formatting and organization
  • Editing in APA, MLA, AMA, etc.

Publication & Dissemination

  • Identifying suitable journals for submission
  • Responding to reviewers and journal editors
  • Sharing your research with the campus community
  • Preparing conference presentations

Research Design & Data Analysis

  • Developing research ideas, questions
  • Data collection (surveys, interviews, etc.)
  • Analyzing and interpreting quantitative data (e.g., descriptive statistics, correlation, regression)
  • Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data (e.g., coding, thematic analysis, grounded theory)
  • Statistical software like SPSS or RStudio

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