BEST BOARD F’24: Student Gov’t President Roshit Niraula Leads with Courage & Confidence

It comes as no surprise that Fall 2024 BEST Board honoree and Student Government President Roshit Niraula demonstrates a drive for leadership.

It’s evident in a college experience that now leads the students’ voice in decision-making and policies affecting all students at Minnesota State Mankato. That pinnacle of leadership includes such stepping stones as serving on the Centennial Student Union Board, being a MavPass peer mentor, a member of the Honors program as well as the Speech & Debate Team.

“It was clear from his early days that he was going to become a leader,” his BEST Board nominator said. “Although he had a soft-spoken style, it was never to be confused with a lack of confidence, or his knowledge of a topic.”

“He is a good listener, packages his thoughts well, and isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions. He’s equally respected by his peers and administrators alike,” his nominator added. “He’s not afraid to challenge the status quo if necessary, but always in a respectful manner. I’ve found him to be honest, inquisitive, and student-focused.”


Roshit Niraula
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal
Major: Computer Science
Graduation Date: May 2025

Reflecting on your time in leadership roles or as a student employee in the student union, how do you believe these experiences have contributed to your college experience?

“Impactful. My leadership roles have impacted me and the community I am around. I have made friends from around the world, learned new cultures and shared my own culture, and participated in many opportunities. It is very rewarding to represent students in the different decision-making levels. Within Student Government, I have seen the impact of leadership and student voices in changes across the campus community. I think my leadership roles have helped shape my work-ethic and help me find a home away from my home.”

How have those experiences contributed to your personal growth and development as an individual?

“Through Speech and Debate and MNSU Honors, I’ve had the privilege of representing our university in different conferences and competitions. These experiences have helped me grow my skills and learn. In different roles as a student leader, teaching assistant and MavPASS Leader, I have applied skills to help support my peers in different academic and student life settings. The different opportunities have helped me learn and grow as a well-rounded Maverick. It has helped me grow an interdisciplinary lens when analyzing problems and addressing them.”

How do you see yourself carrying the lessons and skills you gained from your leadership and/or student union work experience into your future endeavors or career path?

“Within the project based Computer Science program, I apply these skills everyday. I have reflected on how these experiences shape me to be a better computer scientist and I think these different roles have helped me approach problem solving, cultural differences, conflict identification and resolution uniquely. Whether that is in team meetings or client meetings, I have seen myself mirror different mechanisms of ensuring everyone’s voices are heard and addressed. I’m uncertain about post-graduation life, but I’m confident these skills will apply wherever I go.”

What advice would you give to fellow students in helping them make the most of their college experience?

Share your truth and ask plenty questions, even if your voice trembles. As an international student, I oftentimes struggle to get the words right. However, I’ve learned that saying the “right words” isn’t always necessary to convey your message.

Never worry about if you fit within a check-box of given requirements. Just because you don’t check off all the boxes from the list doesn’t mean you aren’t better than the rest of us at what you do. There’s never a single right way to do things. You just have to take chances and believe in yourself to get the job done.

Throughout your college experience at Minnesota State Mankato, what has provided the greatest personal growth, memories, satisfaction and/or personal pride.

“While walking in the Student Union, someone approached me and asked me about my MavPASS schedules. They introduced themselves as working with my students in the past thanked me for the impact I’ve had on student learning. The words filled me with pride and happiness. The ‘thank you for your support’ was not just to me but to the team of leaders I work with that help and make an impact everyday.”

What special “lifelong” memory of college that will remain with you years after Minnesota State Mankato?

“Roadtrips with friends to Honors conferences and debate tournaments. (and van talks obv.).”

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