S’24 BEST Board: Johnny Ferede Says Embrace Every Chance for Personal, Professional Growth

S’24 BEST Board: Johnny Ferede Says Embrace Every Chance for Personal, Professional Growth

As a graduate advisor in Student Activities, Johnny Ferede found himself as the point person during a time of staff transitions. Putting his leadership and mentoring skills to work, he assisted the day-to-day activities of more than 200 Recognized Student Organizations while coordinating such activities as the annual Student Leadership Awards with over 60 nominations. His efforts that demonstrated resilience, strategic thinking and thriving under pressure earned him Spring ’24 BEST Board recognition.

DON’T GO EXTINCT! Re-Recognize Your RSO If You Want Funding or Meeting Room Access

DON’T GO EXTINCT! Re-Recognize Your RSO If You Want Funding or Meeting Room Access

FRIDAY, SEPT. 30! That is the final day for the Fall 2022 Recognition Period for University student organizations. To maintain Recognized Student Organization status, an annual recognition renewal process must be completed and submitted for approval. Failure to complete the recognition process results in loss of Student Activity Fee funding for travel or on-campus programming, as well as the inability to reserve any meeting space on campus. RSOs missing the Sept. 30 deadline are considered “inactive” and must wait until the Spring Semester to complete the recognition process.