BEST Board S’24: Don’t Let Expectations Become Your Limits Says Student Gov’t President

BEST Board S’24: Don’t Let Expectations Become Your Limits Says Student Gov’t President

Recognized for her commitment to bettering the lives of Minnesota State Mankato students and the campus community, Sierra Roigers, the 2023-24 Student Government President, has taken the necessary steps to grow as a leader. “I have been impressed by her ability to make connections with others – especially individuals in higher levels of leadership,” her BEST Board nominator said. “She has elevated student voices with care while taking the time to understand the nuances of how many of our processes work.”

CSU Unveils “Sittin’ with Stomper” Statue as the Newest Landmark on Campus

CSU Unveils “Sittin’ with Stomper” Statue as the Newest Landmark on Campus

A new bronze statue commissioned by the Centennial Student Union entitled Sittin’ with Stomper was unveiled in the CSU on Wednesday, Jan. 17. The statue features the University’s beloved mascot, Stomper, seated on an 8-foot bronze bench that will be permanently placed on the main level of the CSU. A plaque commemorating the spirit of the statue was also installed near the sculpture.