BEST Board F’24: Herve Mucyo Shows ‘Natural Leader’ Qualities as CSU Technical Lead

One might say that Herve “Alvin” Mucyo is a man of few words. Perhaps a better description is “actions speak louder than words.”

Among students recognized on the Centennial Student Union’s BEST Board are CSU student staff who exemplify both active and quiet leadership. Nominated for his exception work as a technical lead with CSU Technical Services, Alvin was viewed from the get-go as someone eager to learn and grow both a student and CSU employee.

“Alvin took it upon himself immediately to learn as much as he could, and has always strived for excellence,” his nominator said. “Alvin has been a natural leader since he was first brought into Technical Services, and the connections he has made with both his student staff peers, as well as the professional staff exemplifies his leadership.”

CSU student staff with Technical Services assist in the setup and operation of sound and audio-visual systems at the numerous meetings, activities and events in the CSU.

Alvin was also recognized for his active campus involvement with such recognized student organizations as the East African Student Association and BIG (Black Intelligent Gentlemen).

Let’s learn more about Alvin:

Herve “Alvin” Mucyo
Home: Nyamirambo, Rwanda
Major: Computer Information Technology
Graduation Date: May 2025

Reflecting on your time in leadership roles or as a student employee in the student union, how do you believe these experiences have contributed to your college experience?

“It has helped me grow into the man I am now, which will help me keep growing into the man I want to be.”

How have those experiences contributed to your personal growth and development as an individual?

“It helped me understand other people better. You have to first understand the person if you want to help them.”

Provide one or more detailed examples where your campus involvement/work experience made you a better leader.

“As an EASA Board member, I learned a lot about other countries in East Africa that I hadn’t had the chance to meet. I also learned how to serve others better.”

How do you see yourself carrying the lessons and skills you gained from your leadership and/or student union work experience into your future endeavors or career path?

“I see myself creating and building something for myself in the future.”

What advice would you give to fellow students in helping them make the most of their college experience?

“Networking is the key to getting a better position/job. Use that to your advantage early on.”

Throughout your college experience at Minnesota State Mankato, what has provided the greatest personal growth, memories, satisfaction and/or personal pride.

“The friends and bonds I was able to create through being a Technical Services Lead, EASA Board member, and BIG member.”

What does being a Maverick mean to you?

“Finding your path in life.”

What special “lifelong” memory of college will remain with you years after Minnesota State Mankato?

“All the special events I was lucky enough to experience.”

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