What the Fitness World Has Wrongfully Been Preaching

by BLAKE PIESCHKE, CSU Public Relations Intern


When people associate a diet to lose weight or gain muscle, their first thought is to eat chicken, ground turkey, rice, broccoli and other foods considered to be healthy for weight loss.

A pro bodybuilder from Canada, Greg Doucette, opened my eyes and showed me that dieting doesn’t have to include suffering. We have been brainwashed by our influencers and many others for years.

When I first started lifting weights, my typical meal was chicken, rice, celery and carrots because I was always told and believed I needed to eat those foods to lose weight and gain muscle. It was never a manageable diet and I often ended up cheating on it and binge eating from hunger.

Fast forward five years and I was still following some of these beliefs along with a little more variety in my diet. I still lost weight at the cost of constantly starving. I tried doing so many different things whether it was low-carb foods or intermittent fasting.

IFBB Pro bodybuilder Greg Doucette

My life finally changed after watching a review of Doucette’s diet from one of my YouTube subscriptions, Remington James, who also had a philosophy change on dieting after.

He is a Canadian IFBB Pro bodybuilder with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in kinesiology who coaches thousands on diet and training to help them reach their goals. Doucette has always preached that the diet that isn’t sustainable is always the one that will fail.

Doucette has compiled together an enormous amount of  recipes that are low calorie, full of protein and filling. Some of these recipes sound too good to be true. Did you know you could eat pizza, ice cream, popcorn and french toast and still lose weight and gain muscle?

Greg Doucette Anabolic Cook Book - Payhip
A table of contents of recipes from his first cookbook

It has definitely changed my perspective on dieting to lose weight. I have never eaten so much food in my life while still losing weight. Never do I go a day suffering and feeling depleted of all energy thanks to Doucette being the hero the fitness world needed.

I strongly encourage subscribing to him on YouTube at Greg Doucette – YouTube and your life will change forever. He offers free videos of recipes from his cookbook for viewers to try themselves with clear instructions.

He has released two cookbooks, with the first and oldest one being $99 and the newest one for $149. Just a handful of these recipes make it worth the price you pay.

 Also, subscribe to Remington James at Remington James – YouTube who also has a $100 cookbook. He has blossomed from Doucette and has continued the “anabolic kitchen” of the fitness world.

Every meal I make in my daily life is created from these two men.

For the record, I am not endorsing or advertising these cookbooks, but I feel these could be valuable pieces of information for those struggling in the fitness world because of poor diets. These two men changed my life dramatically and I wanted to share this to help others.


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